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Around the corner and around the world, high-performing clients rely on Epiq experts, technologies, and data centers to streamline the complex, costly and time-consuming administration of litigation, investigations, financial transactions, regulatory compliance and other business operations. We bring valuable efficiencies to these vital tasks.


David C. Dobson

首席执行官 (Chief Executive Officer)

John Davenport

创始人兼董事会主席 (Founder and Chairman of the Board)

Michelle Deichmeister

全球业务转型解决方案总裁兼总经理 (President and General Manager of Global Business Transformation Solutions)

Terry Gaylord

人力资源总监 (Chief Human Resources Officer)

Carlos Gonzalez

Chief Information Officer 的中文翻译是首席信息官。

Nicole Hamann

集体诉讼、补救和大规模侵权责任总裁( President of Class Action, Remediation, and Mass Tort)

Jason D. Juranek

首席财务官 (Chief Financial Officer)

Alyssa Miller

首席信息安全官 (Chief Information Security Officer)

Roger Pilc


Alison Wisniewski

首席法律官兼秘书 (Chief Legal Officer and Secretary)

Michelle Connolly

首席营销官 | Epiq 公司