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Julie Colgan Vice President, Global Business Transformation Solutions

United States

+1 404 790 7900

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Epiq Expert

Julie Colgan is a certified records manager and certified information governance professional with 20 years of experience in the records and information governance field. She has worked as a practitioner, as an advisor, and as a software and service provider executive. At Epiq, Colgan provides executive leadership for the records and information management (RIM) practice based on her deep expertise in that space while advancing a consultative, partnership-oriented, technology-enabled approach to client service delivery. Colgan is an internationally recognized speaker and author on information governance and is past president of ARMA International, the premier professional association for the information management profession.

experts: a-z

Ellen Jones Polhamus

Senior Vice President, eDiscovery Client Services

Ken Kehoe

Associate Director, Antitrust, Document Review Services

Brennen Kelly

Vice President, Class Action and Mass Tort Solutions

Eric Kerwood

Managing Director, Corporate Restructuring

Jon Kessler

Senior Director, Information Governance Consulting

Stephenie Kjontvedt

Vice President, Senior Consultant

Loree Kovach

Senior Vice President, Client Services
Luke Lance

Luke Lance

Director, Global Service Delivery

Jon Lavinder

Director, Technology-Assisted Review

Katherine Ledbetter

Review Manager, Antitrust
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