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Electronic Evidence

Epiq brings you into the 21st century with electronic evidence presentation—backed up by the most experienced team in the Asia Pacific.

The major benefits surrounding an eHearing are the savings in both time and cost, as document presentation can be up to 30% faster than in a paper-based hearing. Additionally, everyone in the hearing room has the same document in front of them at all times, meaning everyone is always on the same page.


Learn more about Epiq's electronic evidence presentation capabilities.

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Technological Innovation

An Epiq hearing room setup ensures everyone in the room has the same document in front of them at all times, meaning everyone is always on the same page. Paginated hard copies in tabulated folders are replaced by the presentation of documents on high-definition monitors located at the bench, bar tables, and witness box.

Dedicated eHearing Operator

Epiq provides a highly skilled eHearing Operator who presents and manipulates documents on instruction by the barrister. This staff member has been trained specifically to run the presentation software and will be at the parties’ disposal throughout the hearing.

Efficiencies Over Paper

Epiq eHearings provide numerous advantages over paper-based hearings. Documents can be presented side-by-side for comparison, with the ability to zoom in, highlight and annotate finer details. Navigating documents in native format is simple, with Excel formulas and filters also easily viewable. All the barrister needs to do is state the Document ID to the operator.

Unparalleled Convenience

Occasionally documents which are not in the Online Review Book need to be presented urgently. An Epiq eHearing ensures parties can provide documents via email or USB that can be presented on screen in a matter of minutes.

The Epiq team provides a reliable and responsive presence to ensure your needs are met. Support can range from general technical assistance and consulting, to data uploads and generating comprehensive data reports.

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