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Case Study: A Fuel Retailing Company Saves CAD$4.3-Million by Using Epiq on Back-to-Back Merger Clearances

  • Energy/Antitrust


Fuel Retailing Company



Client Need

A fuel retailing company required Epiq’s assistance to respond to two separate second supplementary information requests (SIRs) from the Canadian Competition Bureau with a 60-day deadline to file a response. On the first occasion, the client required data collection, processing, hosting within Relativity, and document review in both English and French, while the following time, they required data collection from remote and physical devices, as well as processing, hosting within Relativity, and document review.

Client Solution

Epiq repurposed custodian data and leveraged a novel collection method via Microsoft 365 to expedite collection while reducing the workload of the company’s IT department. Despite the higher custodian count, by using Epiq on back-to-back transactions, the client made significant cost savings.

Why Epiq

At first, the combination of Epiq’s best-in-class technologies and the depth of experience of its Document Review teams, in English and French, gave the client confidence Epiq could meet the challenging deadline successfully.

The second time around, the company chose to work with Epiq because they trusted Epiq’s team and methods based on the prior engagement. They recognised the cost savings and efficiencies in using the same Epiq team and leveraging prior workflows.

Results and Benefits - Project 1


documents processed


in volume reduction via our analytics tool


documents reviewed by our contract reviewers

Results and Benefits - Project 2


documents processed


in volume reduction via our analytics tool


documents reviewed by our contract reviewers