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Virtual Hearings

In response to COVID-19, Epiq brings the hearing room online with virtual hearings—backed up by the most experienced team in the Asia Pacific.

Contact Epiq Today for More Information Regarding Virtual Hearing Services.

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How do virtual hearings work?

Epiq has a proven track record and extensive experience conducting matters in a traditional ‘physical’ hearing room scenario. An Epiq moderator manages the virtual hearing on behalf of all parties and will support you pre-, during, and post-hearing. The only difference is the introduction of a hearing room in the cloud as opposed to one made of bricks and mortar.

Key advantages

Dedicated eHearing operator

Epiq provides a highly skilled eHearing operator who presents and manipulates documents on instruction by counsel in the hearing. This operator has been trained specifically to run the presentation software and will be at the parties’ disposal throughout the hearing.

Live str​eaming

Epiq provides the option to stream the virtual hearing to a wider audience, particularly useful for hearings of public interest. The stream can be sent to any content delivery network for audience consumption.

Epiq support

Epiq provides reliable and responsive support from general technical assistance and consulting to data uploads and comprehensive data reporting. If you have any questions or queries, the Epiq eHearings team is always happy to assist.

Live transcription

Our real-time transcription team will be logged into the virtual hearing room and follow proceedings as they would in a physical hearing room. The transcript is sent to our transcript server in the cloud and can be accessed by those parties wishing to receive the live transcript feed.

Evidence Management

Our team will track all tendering events and manage objections raised during the hearing in the form of metadata added to the Online Review Book on a daily basis.

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