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Erin Toomey Vice-President and Managing Director, Global Investigations Practice Group Leader

United States

+1 202 742 8385

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Epiq Expert

Erin Toomey is Vice-President and Managing Director at Epiq and is the Leader of Epiq’s Global Investigations Practice Group, based in Washington, DC.  
Throughout her sixteen-year career, Erin has specialized in managing complex government investigations and antitrust projects, including merger reviews, large-scale litigation, and internal investigations.  At Epiq, she oversees all aspects of service delivery for global investigations, including forensics, data processing, project management, analytics, and document review.  Erin is also a recognized thought leader and speaker on cutting-edge technology issues, including the use of artificial intelligence tools to identify relevant and privileged content. Erin oversees a dedicated team of over 50 professionals who work exclusively on antitrust matters and global investigations. 
Throughout the course of a project, Erin works closely with Epiq’s clients and provides guidance on the latest requirements of global regulators.  She is a trusted advisor and partners with clients in their negotiations with global regulators concerning production standards, provisions for Technology Assisted Review compliance, foreign language translation, privilege logs and timing agreements.  Erin also has extensive experience overseeing projects in multiple jurisdictions and is thoroughly familiar with international data privacy standards.  She works closely with Epiq’s operational teams to assure the rapid deployment of internal resources so that our clients can efficiently comply with the compressed time requirements of global investigatory matters.  
Erin holds a B.S. in Management Information Systems from Wake Forest University. 

experts: a-z

John Garippa

Vice President, Business Development, Financial & Insurance Sector

Jack Grimes

Managing Director, Forensics

Mark Habbinga

Senior Managing Director of Legal Transformation Services

Francis Hawthorne

Senior Director, Operations

Elizabeth Hennigan

Director, Global Service Delivery

Brandon Hollinder

Director, eDiscovery Managed Services

Brett Irizarry

Client Services Director, Antitrust

Ellen Jones Polhamus

Senior Vice President, eDiscovery Client Services

Ken Kehoe

Associate Director, Antitrust, Document Review Services

Brennen Kelly

Vice President, Class Action and Mass Tort Solutions
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