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Edward Burke Senior Vice President, Legal Solutions

Canada | United States

+1 212 225 9263

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Epiq Expert

Ed Burke is a seasoned litigator and Senior Vice-President of in the Legal Solutions Group at Epiq.  Ed works closely with Epiq’s corporate and law firm clients to create and oversee high quality, cost-efficient and defensible solutions during the discovery phase of merger reviews and litigation, including the strategic deployment of analytic tools throughout the review process.  At Epiq, Ed is one of the leaders of the Antitrust & Competition Practice Group.  He has overseen document review projects for over 50 complex antitrust/competition matters in the United States, Canada and Europe.  He also heads up Epiq’s Advanced Attorney Services offering.

experts: a-z

Jason Paroff

Senior Director & Forensics Practice Lead

Lindsey Pitt

Vice President, Legal Operations Consulting

Sagi Sam

Senior Director, Consulting Services

Lauran Schultz

Managing Director

Alexander Smith

Review Manager, Document Review Services

Rebekah Stafford

Vice President, Epiq Counsel

Gary Suffir

Vice President of Client Services

Jane Sullivan

Executive Vice President, Corporate Restructuring

Erin Toomey

Vice-President and Managing Director, Global Investigations Practice Group Leader

Kathryn Tran

Consulting Director
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