Case Study: Epiq Coordinates Resolution of Dicamba Claims for Agricultural Producers​
- General

Dicamba Producers

United States

Client need
Following a lawsuit by soybean farmers, Epiq was appointed as the claims administrator by the client, a producer of the pesticide dicamba. The settlement aimed to provide benefits to claimants who were producers of soybeans between 2015 and 2020, and whose crops exhibited symptomology of dicamba exposure due to drift from neighboring farms.
The settlement process was highly complex, involving the determination of injuries to each field, calculation of historical yields, and making payments based on those yields. With thousands of individual claims and fields, this case posed unique challenges.

Client solution
Epiq formed a dedicated team that collaborated closely with agricultural subject-matter experts (SMEs). These SMEs provided crucial insights into farming practices, field assessment, and injury determination, enabling Epiq to navigate the complexity of the case effectively.
To enhance accessibility, provide transparency, and reduce inquiries, Epiq developed a customized website specifically designed to handle the claims process. Through this platform, claimants could easily access their status.
Epiq utilized automation and progression analysis; an enhanced review process; and granted access to third parties who were required to carry out additional roles and provide oversight in certain scenarios as part of the settlement requirement.
The settlement process is still ongoing, with Epiq actively managing the case and ensuring a fair and efficient resolution for all parties.

Why Epiq
Epiq specializes in handling complex and sensitive settlements.