Epiq Processing
Accelerate and future-proof your data processing
Deliver review-ready data 2x to 5x sooner with the fastest and most powerful data processing engine available. Epiq Processing’s modern, cloud-based architecture gives our service teams an advantage when working with your data. Plus, the engine has an active development team, meaning it will keep up with new filetypes for future processing projects.

Keep your data secure
Secure your data with our Cloud Security Strategy:
it includes both software and hardware level protections with physical and environmental controls, patch and configuration management, and multiple availability zones.

Stay informed with automated reports
Track progress with processing, exception, and search hit reports:
True versus information exceptions
Custodian summaries
Tallies of data sizes
And many more…
Would you like to talk to us about your project or case? Contact us and one of our representatives will call you.
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