Epiq Legal NoticingSM
By relying on our legal notice expertise, our clients are prepared for court approval.

Epiq Legal Noticing (also known as Hilsoft Notifications) has been a leading global provider of expert legal noticing services for over 30 years.
During that time, we’ve designed many of the largest media-based notice programs, targeting a wide array of audiences and utilizing all types of paid media within the global media marketplace.
Unique to the industry, we have a team of legal noticing experts specializing in designing notice programs that satisfy due process requirements and withstand judicial scrutiny.
Moreover, we understand the complexities involved in providing plain language notice that clearly communicates class members’ legal rights and satisfies legal requirements.
Clients and judges rely on our years of experience and collective knowledge to identify solutions for reaching potential class members, even for the most complex cases.
Significant Cases
Product Liability

In re Juul Labs, Inc. Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Litigation 19-md-02913 (N.D. Cal.)
Two settlements totaling $300M involving JUUL Labs, Inc. and Altria
Approximately 80% of the class was reached
Over 10.7M email notices and nearly 500K postcard notices sent
Over 836M digital impressions delivered from the media plan

In re Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Privacy Litigation 3:20-cv-02155 (N.D. Cal.)
$85M privacy settlement
Approximately 91% of the class reached
Over 158M class members sent notice by email or mail
Over 280M digital impressions delivered from the media plan
Data Breach

In re Capital One Consumer Data Security Breach Litigation MDL No. 2915, 1:19-md-02915 (E.D. Va.)
$190M data breach settlement
96% of the class reached
93.6M class members sent notice by email or mail
Over 123.4M digital impressions delivered from the media plan

In re Takata Airbag Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2599 (S.D. Fla.)
$1.91B in settlements involving current or former owners or lessees of certain BMW, Mazda, Subaru, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Ford, and Volkswagen vehicles
95% of adults in the U.S. who owned or leased a subject vehicle were reached 4.0 times
Over 61.8M potential class members sent notice by mail
Economic and Property Damage/Medical Benefits

In re Oil Spill by the Rig ‘Deepwater Horizon’ in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010 MDL No. 2179 (E.D. La.)
$7.8B settlement
95% of adults in the Gulf Coast area reached with individual notice and media
7,900 TV spots and 5,200 radio spots
5,400 print insertions in newspapers, consumer publications and trade journals

In re Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation MDL No. 1720, 1:05-md-01720 (E.D.N.Y.)
$5.5B settlement reached by Visa and MasterCard
Over 36.1M direct mail notices sent (initial and settlement phase noticing)
Approximately 1.5B digital impressions delivered from the media plans (initial and settlement phase noticing)
Website in eight languages