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Case Study: Healthcare manufacturer finds the smoking gun, plus three additional issues, via a Case Insights™ Factual Analysis report

  • Healthcare


Healthcare Manufacturer


North America

Client need

Confirm or disprove media reports and whistleblower claims

The client needed a legal discovery expert to quickly confirm or disprove claims of expense fraud and compliance violations in preparation for a pending matter. 

Client solution

Epiq Case Insights™ Factual Analysis report, delivered by an Epiq expert

An Epiq Case Insights expert, trained in early case assessment workflows, utilized NexLP and Relativity Case Dynamics technology, along with creative sleuthing, to work across continents and find the relevant documents for the client. Epiq’s investigation was also able to uncover three additional issues that warranted further internal investigation by the client. Ultimately, Epiq collected additional data—including email, server, mobile, and chat data—and completed four total reviews via custom, tailored workflows. Additionally, the client plants to utilize the AI models built for their next investigation.

Why Epiq

The client liked Epiq’s combination of legal data expertise combined with the application of best-in-class, AI-based technologies, which enables Epiq to look for the “smoking gun” via an early case assessment performed by its Case Insights™ team.

Results and Benefits

2.4 million

Documents processed


Documents reviewed across email data

Smoking Gun

Uncovered, along with three additional matters

$2.3 Million

Savings gained from early case assessment and AI-based predictive coding